When the time comes for your new roof, will you go with the same old shingles or have you given any thought to metal roofing?

Metal panels installed by a professional metal roofer service are an attractive and economical alternative that can actually save money.

Roofing is a long-term investment and though having an installation done by a metal roof company might cost a little bit more at the start, the cost benefits are many.

1. Durable, with Long Lifespan

In comparison to even the toughest architectural shingles, metal roofing is far more durable and long-lasting.

When skillfully installed by an experienced metal roof company, metal panels can withstand extreme weather better, many times without as much as a scratch.

When properly maintained with regular inspections and the occasional reapplication of paint or protective coatings, metal brings with it a life expectancy of 50 to 60 years and even longer with thicker gauge products.

That’s twice the lifespan of most asphalt or wood roofs!

2. Improved Quality In Today’s Products

As metal has gained popularity and become a more desirable roofing material, the quality of metal roofing panels now available has consistently improved.

Today, roofer services have access to panels in various thicknesses to match different needs and budgets, with numerous finishes and coatings to preserve the surface.

Fastener design has improved as well, with modern roofs installed more securely and with a lower instance of corrosion over time, meaning fewer repair costs and longer life.

3. Sustainable and Environmentally-Friendly

Not only is metal roofing sustainable, as it is 100% recyclable and can be made into new things, it is also friendly to the environment.

Beyond its ability to be recycled, metal is biodegradable and does not harm the earth.

Yet the best eco-friendly feature that will benefit your wallet is the r-value of metal roofs.

Metal is highly reflective of UV sun rays, making it a cooler, energy-saving option in hotter climates.

4. Many Attractive Design Options Available

Long gone are the days when the traditional standing seam was the only option available from a metal roofing company.

That classic roof is still available, but now there is so much more!

Metal panels in the appearance of wood, slate, and other types of shingles give the look of more attractive roofs with the features and economical benefits of metal.

Available in steel, aluminum, and even copper that adopts a beautiful blue patina, modern metal has many attractive looks these days.

5. Longer, More Robust Warranties

With so many qualities and such a long service life, it is no wonder that installations done by a qualified metal roofer service carry longer warranties than many other roofs.

They are also more extensive than the warranties covering older metal installations, warranting things like protective film coatings on the panels, chalk fade, certain types and degrees of corrosion, and more.

Save Money And Look Great With Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is a top choice today for any home or building when style, durability, and money savings are important.

With so many choices now available from metal roofer services, it is one of the best new roof options to invest in.

Talk to a local metal roof company about the different features and styles that will suit your budget and taste, then sit back and reap the long-term, money-saving rewards of a beautiful metal roof today!

Want Metal Roofing in Bryan Texas?

Contact Done Right Roofing for Help With Metal Roofs!

Call 979-464-6655 Today!