roofing maintenance in bryan texas


When it comes to your home and roofing installation, the attic is often the least thought about space. After all, it’s often where junk, extra items, or even forgotten keepsakes go. This is why attic ventilation is something not many homeowners think about when it comes to roofing maintenance or roofing repair. Yet if you own a home, this definitely needs to be a consideration.

Lack of Adequate Ventilation

The lack of adequate or even *any* attic ventilation can lead to high temperatures both in the attic space as well as your home. This can cause discomfort, increased utility bills, and even a shorter service life for your roof. Inadequately ventilated attics can cause roofing materials to deteriorate, requiring roofing repair sooner. In the worst case scenario, you may even need to hire a roofing installation company to completely rebuild the structure.

Installing Ventilation And Fans Can Help

Fortunately, by adding just a few vents you can solve this issue. An even better solution to a ventilation problem is to add both vents and an attic fan. Such fans are often inexpensive and controlled by a thermostat so they only run when actually needed, such as when a certain temperature threshold is met.

You can have roofers install a fan that is controlled by a thermostat to detect excessive temperatures or a humidistat to turn the fan on when excess humidity is detected in the area.

Fans are help preserve your roofing by keeping the attic cooled during the hot months and also dry during the cooler, more humid months. You essentially avoid the excessive expansion and contraction of roofing material and avoid moisture damage common during wetter and cooler months. Before you decide to purchase a fan, there are a few things to consider:

  • Check Current Ventilation - One thing to do before installing a fan is to check the current status of your ventilation to see if more vents are needed. The type of vents and how many are required will vary from house to house. So it is best to ask a roofing installation company to make sure yours is adequate.
  • Have Required Maintenance Performed - Before installing a fan, call a roofing maintenance company to inspect your roof to ensure everything is in good condition.
  • Choose The Right Fan - There are two kinds of fans: roof installed and gable wall installed. A roof installation can be a bit more complicated so if you're thinking of doing a DIY rather than having a roofing repair and installation company do it, the gable wall mounted fan may be a simpler option.

When it comes to anything in your home, preventative measures are always better than repairs. Don’t take your attic ventilation for granted. It can really make a difference in your roofing repair and maintenance costs later on!

Need Roof Maintenance Services In Bryan Texas?

Bryan Roofers Can Perform Any Type Of Maintenance And Roof Repairs!

Call 979-464-6655!